Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Mushrooms (2016 note)

 (redacted): one matsutake. Near l/r

switchback with large felled log at the 

corner. (Just after strange signs). 

Admirable boletes at very crest of trail before 

descent into creek valley. Many chanterelle, 

most near matsutake. All choice found in 

open forest w no vegetation, pine covering. 

Staircase: quarter mile in, north side of 

creek, lobsters. Shaggy manes just past 

bridge on right side of creek. 

Spring kings: ponderosa pines, true firs, 

cedars. E of crest 

Ponderosa: flaky jigsaw bark, long thin 

needles in bundles of 3

True fir: erect cones on top branches, short 

blunt needles (one inch)