Tuesday, January 1, 2019

ape planet

the constant crass inaction
of lonely boring people
with things stuck in our beards, 
beastly men. 
greedy mistakes. 
quivering lobes, 
(life is in there, though!) 
what does it matter? 

maybe we're all connected, they say. 
our dna is in the milky way. 

i want to believe it, sure i do. 
other times i'm even sure i do. 

other times
the rags hang from the rafters. 
dirty, dripping, barestript, 
soak-streaked rags. 

Alfred Adler

That we are capable of remarking 
Is remarkable.
That you can turn and talk 
With your elbow partner. 
Sixth grade math is sacred, 
So please ask questions. 
Seek wisdom in elders, 
Give quarter to travelers.
The meaning of life is here,
In the space between us.